Quest Research And Analytics Inc.
4282 - 91A Street NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 5V2

Pathogen Testing
There are several biological contaminants usually refer to as food pathogens which often causes foodborne illness (food poisoning). It is very important to test the food products to determine the presence/absence of these food pathogens.
QRA Inc has adopted different techniques based on standard methods for testing different pathogens in different samples like environmental, natural health products, cosmetics and food etc.
Listeria spp
Listeria spp, is been associated with a wide variety of animals. Numerous animal species are susceptible to listerial infections.
The test for Listeria spp as indicator organism is useful to assess the potential presence of Listeria monocytogenes in food processing environments.
We use PCR and plating methods like
MFLP-08, MFLP-15, MFLP-39, MFLP-104 and MFHPB-30.
Salmonella spp
Salmonella species are Gram-negative, flagellated facultatively anaerobic bacilli characterized by O, H, and Vi antigens.
Most people who get get symptoms like diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps from ~6h after infection.
We use PCR and plating methods like
MFLP-29, MFLP-36, MFLP-38, MFLP-75, MFLP-104 and MFHPB-20.
Campylobacter spp
Campylobacter are mainly spiral-shaped, “S”-shaped, or curved, rod-shaped bacteria. The most frequently reported in human diseases are C. jejuni (subspecies jejuni) and C. coli. Campylobacter is 1 of the 4 key global causes of diarrhoeal diseases.
We use PCR method to screen this bacterium.
Listeria monocytogenes
L. monocytogenes is a short, gram-positive, non-sporeforming, rod-shaped bacterium that grows both aerobically and anaerobically and causal organism for listeriosis.
In humans, listeriosis is a life threatening disease in humans.
We use PCR and plating methods like
MFLP-07, MFLP-28, MFLP-54 and MFHPB-30.
E.coli O157:H7
Escherichia coli O157: H7, is an enterohemorrhagic bacterial strain that has become a major, worldwide food and water-borne pathogen and that causes diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis.
We use PCR and plating methods like
MFLP-16, MFLP-30, MFLP-76 and MFHPB-10
E.coli O157:H7 STEC
Shiga toxin-producing E.coli O157:H7, an enterohemorrhagic bacterial strain of E. coli O157:H7 infects the alimentary tract and induces abdominal cramps with hemorrhagic diarrhea that can cause systemic illness by hemolytic uremic syndrome.
We use PCR method to screen this strain of E.coli.